Monday, November 27, 2006

Friday, November 24, 2006

rΣmnanT δf lifΣ

I just want to kill this pain
Can't stop this madness
I fall prey for this feeling, ignore it in vain
For this is what brings my sadness

Usually at night is where it thrives
Making me mad, leaving me in despair
It whispers in my ear, it shrives
I try to ignore it, finding it hard to bear

It's no use trying to break free
I have created my own wall
Created from remnants of my debris
From which alongside I cannot stroll

I hope that this can stop
For I fear my head might pop

Friday, November 10, 2006

In remembrance of a near past

Now when I look back I see that change was not what I really wanted. That feeling without any name now gets me angry, sad, worried.. Still cannot tell how I felt when I first knew... Now days pass by and all seems so dampened. Why this... ?
There are still a lot of things that I cannot explain about me and my life.
My manner, my selfishness...
You will always be present.

Farewell, you will always be missed...

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

In your eyes

As you see me across the room,
you notice that I'm nothing
but a blurry picture.

See... that aura that surrounds me?
Relax... There's nothing you can do.
There are certain things that I need to solve.
There are subjects in which you shouldn't meddle.

As you see me walk away,
you start to wonder:
"Why is he in such a mess?"
These days I'm nothing
but a blurry picture.

I'm not trying to compensate for anything...

Monday, October 30, 2006


Profundamente e em silêncio, olhando o céu, lembro-me das ondas, que me levam,
juntamente com as minhas memórias já parcialmente esquecidas.
Intrínseco nesse momento um sorriso flutua nessa brisa,
subindo e descendo e morrendo dentro de mim.

Nunca havia antes reparado,
durante todo este tempo
o que guardava cá dentro...
aquilo que nao conseguia ver
algo que nem consigo descrever.

E essas ondas que me levam, levam tambem tudo o que me sufoca,
tudo o que magoa dentro de mim.
Para além deste horizonte está o meu sonho,
guardado pelo murmurar de vozes choramingando ao vento.

Avista-se ainda uma tempestade, que se refunde
em todos estes pensamentos que me surgem quando tento adormecer.
Quando me dou conta estou olhando de novo para o céu,
e uma corrente de ar passa...

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Moonlight Sonata

At last,
(damned reaper to hell),
there are seven days light
the song, you sing is depressing
Running about saving the day
The noise is pride again today
Why is thy wildly smoking?

Demon of time
He is probably a highlight
Put out passion, no slide, day into night
A clouded heaven saves a black jay
or so they say...
The voice is pride again today
Wildly making oneself merry...

Thursday, September 21, 2006


What do you think about these?
                • Like them?
                • Hate them?
Tell me why then, I'm free to listen.


Had I the courage all would be different...
Have I the will all will be different... In due time.

I'm running slow motion from this burning low compulsion
I suffer because from it I will learn not to suffer,
For all the air in the atmosphere will never be sufficient

And all these words are just my ghosts.
That's what I keep saying to myself,
Weakness will not enter!

Saturday, September 02, 2006


There were times I meant to say:
"I love you..."
"Thanks for looking after me..."
"You shouldn't worry so much..."
But instead I kept quiet.All that I could manage was sometimes a "Hmm..." or an "Ok..."
Sorry for not trying my best
Sorry if you felt I wasn't there for you anytime you needed

Please be safe...
Please look after me...
I will always love you mom
I will never forget you
Thank you for all you've done for me
I am very proud of you!
Please be safe...

Friday, July 14, 2006

Quando a mente está bem longe...

É o que tem acontecido comigo nestes ultimos dias.
Aproximam-se as férias... sente-se o verão "no ar".
Mas nestas alturas não me vem á memória a praia, o mar...
Vem-me a memória um sitio que tenho cá guardado.
Podia dissertar sobre quão fechada e limitada é a minha ilha,
mas isso já todos nós sabemos não ja?
O problema em questão é quando a saudade aperta,
e quando a situação em parte não o permite.
Tudo o que posso fazer de momento é ter esperança.
Esperança de conseguir re-visitar esse meu sitio.

Dou por mim de férias, cá na ilha,
mas em vez de aproveitar o bom tempo fico-me a moldar
essa esperança, a reforçá-la, a canalizá-la.
Certa parte dos momentos que passo agora são a pensar no que poderá ai vir,
ou não.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Please be patient....

It's exam period and I don't have time to post anything...
Hope you tune in later on!

Feel free to leave any comment about the picture...

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

lie lay lain

Nail by nail, tooth by tooth
Soaring up inside of me
Every day, every time
Wax me, mould me
Heat the needles and stab them in
You have turned me into this
Clayman of yours
So do as you will,
Break me if you can!

At least in this fake reality I have a part...

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


hurt truh
uhrt trhu
urht thru
urth htru

are you sure what side of the glass you are on?

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Think for yourself...

My mind flows beyond explanation...

I am thriving to achieve a state I've always longed for.
A complex pattern of ideals keep going in and out of my brain,
and it isn't easy to select the best, so forth putting aside the worst.
The result is usually a small mixture of two discrepancies.

Today is Sunday... that alone I find depressing.
I woke up in an unconscious state of mind,
therefore I decided to let myself sleep some more
and try to forget about it.
And as I slept... these thoughts occurred.
My compassion is broken now.
My will is eroded, and my desire stolen and it makes me feel ugly.
I'm on my knees and burning.

So smell my soul burning.
I'm broken, looking up to see the enemy.
I have swallowed the poison you feed me... but I survive on it, and it leaves me guilt fed, hatred fed, weakness fed.. and I feel ugly, and dead inside.

This is the complexity I am trying to express...

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Thou art resourceful

_hours alone lift our feet
__from the knowledge

_the dead endeavor
__cold, my hands

mind wandering
_dragging a heart-spun net
__in rough seas

a branch
_fallen to the roof
__downward and sloping

_and this morning
__you'll never see

and then it hit me...

It has been a long time since my last post but you need not to worry, for I have not forgot of how important it is for one to write about their feelings and exteriorise their ideals. Be them positive, negative or both.
You must have been wondering... what have I done lately?
The answer is simple: Nothing much.
I guess I have been living my life to the fullest, yet there have been some problems, but nothing I can not handle.
It is now easier to understand myself; It feels good for a change.