Sunday, October 30, 2005

Dans tes yeux

Quand tu me prend dans tes bras
Quand je regarde dans tes yeux
Je vois que dieu existe
C'est pas dur croire

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Este cheiro é monotono
Não me lembra o Outono...
É incolor, não tem qualquer sabor
Consiste num mero tom

É um cheiro que detesto
mas que me persegue
que me envolve
Uma melodia que persiste

Quando o persinto fico insensato
incapaz de reagir
Vagueia num denso espaço
incolor, estático, coeso

De um tom que eu próprio concebi.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Arrastado pela corrente

Levantei-me tarde
Apercebi-me que tudo era mais simples
De facto quem complicava era eu.
A brisa amena de Outono traz-me boas recordações.
Eu adoro o Outono.

Não fui cá colocado por alguem com medo
Vim sozinho, como sempre
Apenas uma ideia na longa corrente da descoberta
Cercada pelo mesmo tu

Frequentemente, descanço
Tão longe em alguma praia,
que os que tentam alcançar-me queimam-se
no quente do deserto da minha disposição.

Deslocado, eu nunca ouço a água
Excepto uma ou outra vez quando vejo um espelho
E recuso-me a acreditar em algumas coisas
que sao ditas termos por certas;
Quanto mais as que não são.

Estou a tentar mudar a minha direcção
Para que tudo volte a ser um dantes
Um não agora
Se estou por cá, estou bem.

Estou bem...

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Hours of Wealth

Found a way
To rid myself clean of pain
And a fever that's
Been haunting me
Has gone away

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

hope leafs

dewdrop worlds
_glow, empty in
__autumn breeze ~

fallen apples splash
_sunlight ~ aging sparrows
__scatter fresh melodies ~

fragrant breeze ~
_beneath the fallen leaves
__a sepia print ~

autumn flower bed~
_two squirrels squeal as
__butterflies dance air

sunlight brings breeze~
_sparrows glisten cool notes
__a lone leaf falls

an autumn leaf
_on the open lotus ~
__pond turns brighter ~

a butterfly
_a dragonfly look at
__each other, smile ~

tourists gather
_new dreams ~ cranes align on
__the autumn sky ~

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

In remembrance of a near future

It comes to a time when I look back and see no change. This is a feeling without a name. I cannot feel angry, nor sad nor worried, nor preocupied. Everytime I try to know if there's something there I always end up blank Like my brain stopped for a second there. I cannot tell how I felt when I first knew it. Yet days pass by and all seems normal. At least that's what she makes believe. Why this?
I cannot explain this relation This partnership... There's a lot of things I cannot explain about my life. As I think about it, I see no symbiosys here. (That's me being selfish again...) The moment is approaching and when it hits me I won't know what to do. Oh, wait... At least I'll have you present, In thought. And that's not bad.

Farewell my child, you will be missed...

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Não é um tema que me agrade discutir.

Pensa na tua vida como um dia
E como está a desvanecer.
Pensa na existência como numa chama
E na ventania que está para vir.

A chama acabará por cessar
É o eternamente inevitável
Os nossos caminhos cruzam-se,
todos no mesmo sitio. Ou será?

Toda a exaustão, todo o ódio
Todas as percas e sacrificios,
Todas as coisas que perdemos,
Todo o sofrimento e distorção,
Toda a merda que toleramos,
Tudo o que abandonamos,
Tudo por isto?

Uma esperança dispersa cai
O zelo torna-se numa negligência
Os sonhos quebrados, esquecidos
Muito é o que temos de suportar
Muito é o que temos de sentir.

É tudo uma parte de um todo.
Tudo parte do nosso destino
E da conclusão do próprio.

O fim de uma existência, sem nexo nem lógica.
Mas será ai que está a resposta?

Wednesday, June 29, 2005


Cada passo que dou
pode ser o meu maior erro
Pode quebrar-me, dobrar-me
mas é um risco que tenho de tomar
Afinal esta vida é feita de escolhas
nao sabemos se boas ou más
e como podemos saber se nao tentarmos?

Cada erro meu caracteriza a minha personalidade
Ajuda-me a mudar e a evoluir...
Porque me acham tão dificil?
Porque me acho tão dificil?
É estranho... não sei responder
A minha cabeça neste momento anda perto de um caos.

Friday, May 27, 2005



Sunday, April 17, 2005

Acredito que sim...

De que serviram todas as palavras, quando foram todas sentidas?
É um vazio enorme, que dói.
Penso que agora sei que caminho tomar.
Mas dou por mim num cruzamento em que tenho duas opções:
Esquerda e Esquerda - Acompanha-me onde quer que esteja.
Sim, porque as minhas opções parecem já predefinidas...
Como se nao as tivesse feito eu conscientemente.

Sou estúpido, egoista...
Sou meigo, amigo...
Sou observador, observado...
Sou muita coisa...mas nao deixo de ser este pedaço de carne e osso.

Monday, April 11, 2005

try again

You know that feeling where you don't really know what your doing with your life?
That's the kind of feeling I been having lately..
Some people take me too seriously, some people don't take me seriously enough. Anyways I'm happy to have some cool folks around.

It's bad when you don't have any parental approval... like when you do something on your own and want to be acknowledged for that but you never are. That's really a bad way of growing up.
It's not like I'm being rude and not thankful... but come on! Give me a break man..
(nowadays I am regretful of ever having these thoughts... [02-09-06])

Sunday, March 27, 2005

tears that gather by the rain

These are the weirdest times I've been through...
I should stop writing nonsense...

Saturday, March 12, 2005

do you know, everytime you're near...

Resolvi escrever um post em português. Simplesmente porque não tenho paxorra de pensar em inglês. Enfim...
Ultimamente... tenho tossido, vomitado, delirado... Uma festa.
Em principio começo a trabalhar no dia 15 deste mês, espero que me dê bem por lá.
Tenho andado a ouvir algumas musicas um pouco fora do meu género preferido e que por acaso me têm surpreendido um pouco. Vamos lá ver...
Tenho sentido saudades de férias no continente, de praia, de borga.
Quero ver como corre este curso agora. Se correr bem, depois de o ter acabado faço as minhas malas e ponho-me a andar. Se correr mal, faço as minhas malas e ponho-me a andar.
É triste viver numa ilha... muito triste...

Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Just thought I could update you guys on some info about me & my ideals.
Speaking of that subject... tell me if I'm wrong about this:
People who try too hard to obtain their goals usually don't get what they want.
Am I wrong? Why?

Anyways... I learnt to be happy for who I am and what I'm like. Some self-esteem is never too bad.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005


So.. what have I been doing lately? Meeting new people, socializing... (wtf?! you must think...). Well it's true... I can't always be the same rotting carcass rolling about.
There are times when you need to go and search for someone special, because you're tired of always being on your own.
My mind keeps telling me I should have some fun for a change, that I should take all these stupid stereotypes of my head and be happy.

This is erased, I promise, NOT A TRACE
This is erased, I promise, NOT A TRACE, NO DELAY

Monday, February 21, 2005

My sweet shadow, to you I look no more...

time to remember and time to forget
time to move forward without regret

Sunday, February 20, 2005

I am nothing, I feel nothing

n 1: a very slow movement; "the traffic advanced at a crawl" 2: a swimming stroke; arms are moved alternately overhead accompanied by a flutter kick [syn: front crawl, Australian crawl] 3: a slow creeping mode of locomotion (on hands and knees or dragging the body); "a crawl was all that the injured man could manage"; "the traffic moved at a creep" [syn: crawling, creep, creeping] v 1: move slowly; in the case of people or animals with the body near the ground; "The crocodile was crawling along the riverbed" [syn: creep] 2: feel as if crawling with insects; "My skin crawled--I was terrified" 3: be crawling with; "The old cheese was crawling with maggots" 4: show submission or fear [syn: fawn, creep, cringe, cower, grovel] 5: swim by doing the crawl; "European children learn the breast stroke; they often don't know how to crawl"

Thursday, February 10, 2005

heart of life

It pays out...
Changes happen, some are for good. It's cool when you don't feel alone all of the sudden, when you can forget all the hate, when there's someone.
It feels nice when the wall you built around you just falls down... you can feel so fine.
You can be apreciated, you can apreciate. You understand, your understood...
It's the art... δf life

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

art of life

(...)so bad today...
It's just because I'm beeing stupid! I already gained a wonderful thing, yet I feel so damn anxious it kills me.
Will not be able to sleep this night as well...
Miss you so much...

Sunday, January 30, 2005

ain't no yesterdays, forget tomorrow, we've got today

I like to believe that the more you suffer, the best chance you have for something really good to happen. That's my way off seeing things...
It's funny how I thought that I could never be attached to no one. I've looked and tried, got disappointed. More and more my thesis was confirmed. More and more I though that I couldn't be in love with no one, that it wasn't a thing for me because of the way I am.
Now that time came, to prove me wrong.

I would also like to recommend the music that I'm into right now... Zakk Wylde's Book of Shadows album:

If you like Sludge/Southern Metal then I think you should give this album a try. It's really neat.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Everything Counts

It's been long since I posted something around here. So I guessed I should give it a try.
Lately I've been looking for a job, I'm getting some info from here and there to see if I can find anything that I like. But even if I don't like it I'll have to do it anyway.

Nothing new, people are still getting on my back... They think they know a lot about me(I don't, so how can they?). One thing's for sure, I'll never change being who I am to please someone.
I don't have to like what other people do, I don't have to listen to the music they like nor like their friends neither their family.
I just look to all this with despise. Sometimes it just makes me laugh.
And it's cool when I make such a fuss doing nothing special.
Anyways, I feel fine. Do you?