Sunday, April 17, 2005

Acredito que sim...

De que serviram todas as palavras, quando foram todas sentidas?
É um vazio enorme, que dói.
Penso que agora sei que caminho tomar.
Mas dou por mim num cruzamento em que tenho duas opções:
Esquerda e Esquerda - Acompanha-me onde quer que esteja.
Sim, porque as minhas opções parecem já predefinidas...
Como se nao as tivesse feito eu conscientemente.

Sou estúpido, egoista...
Sou meigo, amigo...
Sou observador, observado...
Sou muita coisa...mas nao deixo de ser este pedaço de carne e osso.

Monday, April 11, 2005

try again

You know that feeling where you don't really know what your doing with your life?
That's the kind of feeling I been having lately..
Some people take me too seriously, some people don't take me seriously enough. Anyways I'm happy to have some cool folks around.

It's bad when you don't have any parental approval... like when you do something on your own and want to be acknowledged for that but you never are. That's really a bad way of growing up.
It's not like I'm being rude and not thankful... but come on! Give me a break man..
(nowadays I am regretful of ever having these thoughts... [02-09-06])